One Magazine COVID-19 Update
We’ve always been huge advocates of supporting Devon’s local communities. But the need to demonstrate community support during this period of uncertainty is absolutely vital, and we want to help protect the people of Devon and the businesses who rely on us for work – all of which make up our community.
Community runs through everything we do. It’s the morning greeting to your neighbour before you set off for work, the exercise class when you get home, the referral of a trusted local tradesman and the choice to put your litter in the bin and not on the ground.
History has shown that in times of crisis people pull together, and it’s amazing to see examples of that happening now within our communities: people helping others where they can; shopping for elderly neighbours, helping the isolated stay connected and by rallying together to support businesses who are trying to stay afloat in alternative ways.
In this trying time for businesses, we’re seeing gyms and fitness instructors offering their classes via video link or restaurants offering delivery options where they wouldn’t usually. But it will still be a struggle.
The importance of supporting your local shops, trades and services is so important right now, just as important as helping in more traditional ways. Your continued support to local businesses means you’re helping a family and maintaining a community. Your community.
We’re a small business ourselves – we know that this is a troubling time of uncertainty for all businesses, no matter the size or location, but understand particularly how the smaller businesses will be affected.
We will continue with the delivery of the magazine as usual to provide an important channel of communication to those isolated at home and to protect the businesses of Devon who rely on us for generating work.
Rest assured we will be taking all the precautions we can to ensure the health and safety of both our delivery people and our readers, as this is of course our number one priority at this time. That being said, as I’m sure you can understand, the delivery of the magazine may become a little turbulent and so this could mean a slightly later delivery than usual. Please bear with us.
Our magazine delivery falls in line with the advice from Public Health England (PHE) who have advised that people receiving mail through their door are not at risk of contracting coronavirus. This comes from experience with coronaviruses in the past which has demonstrated these virus types do not survive for long on paper-based items.
While this is the case, we encourage all readers to practise good hygiene and follow the PHE guidance on hand-washing, and that distributors should follow government advice on social distancing while on their rounds.
On that note, I’d like to take this time to publicly thank our distribution team for the overwhelming reassurance we’ve received that they will still ensure One Magazine makes it through your door. And from the heart-warming feedback we get each month from you, the readers, I’ve got full faith that our community will keep strong and support one another through this uncertain time.
We hope – as I’m sure everyone else does too – that we can go back to helping our communities thrive once more sooner rather than later.
Support local businesses – support your community.